The industrial machine-tool specialist in Morocco

Benefit from an unequaled experience and service

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Our know-howat the service of your industry

DEFINIT is a subsidiary of COECKE Machines International, the specialist in producing and selling industrial machine-tools for the transformation of metal, wood and complementary activities such as the safety of machines or space optimization. Our services are available to any Moroccan company wishing to take advantage of our offers that include the conception, production, distribution, installation and maintenance of all types of standard or custom-made machines.
We have a competent research & development department that always thrives to understand new technologies that enhance the quality and performances of your machines.

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Notre Expertise


Throughout the years, COECKE Machines International has consolidated its status of industrial leader with many skills poles so as to provide you with the best industrial service. Today, these expertise are shared through DEFINIT so the Moroccan companies can use it as well.  Discover our expertise domains:

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OUR Services

We provide a thourough offer that includes the conception, production, distribution, installation, safety and maintenance of the machines.


In order to provide you with the best services, DEFINIT allied itself with performing, well-known and expert industrial partners: